About Us
Coffee Competence
At Schaerer, we love coffee - of course, because without coffee there is no coffee machine. Take a coffee machine, add lot of facts and knowledge about coffee preparation to ensure coffee preparations that are rich and tasty. Because we have grown so fond of coffee and the knowledge of how to prepare it, we have created a separate section for facts and knowledge about coffee preparation: Coffee Competence. Discover with us new, surprising and unexpected facts and background information.
Coffee World Report
Coffee is more than a drink with a few hundred ingredients. Coffee accompanies us throughout the day. Some people only really wake up in the morning with coffee. There are countries with high coffee consumption, others with lower daily coffee consumption, cappucino is never served after 11 a.m. in Italy, and the Viennese coffee houses, like the Turkish mocha, are part of the UNESCO World Heritage. These are just a few examples of interesting and worth knowing facts, which we have compiled for you in the "Coffee World Report" section. There is still a lot to learn about coffee.
Creative Coffee World
The world of coffee is diverse and surprising. For this diversity we have created the "Creative Coffee World" theme area. We would like to inform you about the creative coffee world with funny, crazy and entertaining blog entries. Immerse yourself in the infinite creativity. Coffee has been an integral part of many ideas and continues to be part of ideas to come. That's what we are convinced of.